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CMS Knowledge base»Customizing your loved one's t…»Managing Your Tribute
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Last modified on 9/16/2013 11:07 AM by User.


Managing Your Tribute

This section will cover how to edit/remove condolences, images, and gestures that are left on your tribute by your friends and family. To begin, make sure you're logged into the family section of your loved one's tribute. (See here if you need a refresher!)

Editing Condolences, Symbolic Gestures, and Pictures:

In case you ever need to manage, make changes, or remove condolences left by friends and family; you can do so by clicking the Condolences link on the left-hand side of the tribute. Once clicked, you should see a screen like this:


From this section, we can see every condolence and gesture that has been posted. From here, simply click Edit or Remove if you want to manage the condolence message. To edit the pictures and symbolic gestures, simply click the icons to edit, remove, or add more!