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MiMs CMS public knowledge base»Managing Your E-Mail Accounts»Deleting an E-mail Account
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Last modified on 7/24/2013 11:30 AM by User.


Deleting an E-mail Account

This article has been written to provide step by step instructions on how to delete an existing e-mail account from your domain. The first step is to sign into the Google Apps Admin Panel for your specific domain. If you need a refresher on how to log into this Admin Panel, please see the "How to Sign Into Google App's Admin Panel" section in this article.


Once you're signed in, if you're not already on the Users tab, click "Users".  You should now see a screen like this:

Start by clicking on the underlined name of the user you want to delete. In this tutorial, we will be deleting "New User".


After clicking on the user, you should see a page like this:

This page contains the settings for the specific user being modified (in our case New User). To delete, click the "Delete User" button that I've highlighted for you in the top right corner.


This small window should now pop-up:

Make sure all the boxes are checked and click "Delete User"


Our account is now deleted and now we can no longer see it in our Users Panel:


You're done!