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Forms API
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Last modified on 7/27/2015 12:22 PM by User.


Forms API


  • This API allows for external clients to retrieve form submissions that have been submitted by users.
  • All requests to this API must be in HTTPS.
  • JSON responses from the API have unspecified field orderings, and unspecified amounts of whitespace. Do not depend on the fields being in a certain order, or on whitespace being in a certain format.
  • A testing server will be provided for you on request.
The endpoints of this API are as follows (further documentation below):
Action Endpoint Verb Response type
Create an access token /core-api/request-access-token.html POST application/json
List available forms /forms-api/forms.html GET application/json
List form submissions /forms-api/answers.html GET application/json
Download submissions /forms-api/download-answers.html GET application/json or application/zip

An example zip file for the 'download submissions' endpoint can be obtained here:


Access Tokens

All requests to the forms API require an access token. Access tokens can be created as follows:
HTTP POST to /core-api/request-access-token.html
The request content-type can either be 'form-data', or 'x-www-formurlencoded'.
  • username: The username of a user on the system who has either the 'administrator' role, or the 'manage forms' role.
  • password: The password of the user
The response content-type is application/json.
Successful response (200 HTTP status code):
  "token": "<your access token>",
  "status": "SUCCESS"
Failed response (Non-200 HTTP status code):
  "token": null,
  "status": "<status>"
The failure statuses are as follows:
ACCOUNT_LOCKED: The specified account has been temporarily locked due to too many failed login attempts
INVALID_CREDENTIALS: Either the specified user does not exist, or the password was incorrect.
INSECURE_REQUEST: The request was not made over HTTPS
A token is valid until 14 days pass without it being used. After this, it is deleted.

Listing Forms

A list of forms can be obtained as follows:
HTTP GET to /forms-api/forms.html?token=<access token>&startIndex=<offset>
  • 'token' is an access token, obtained above.
  • 'startIndex' will default to 0 if not specified. A maximum of 25 forms will be returned. Increase the 'startIndex' in increments of 25 to retrieve further results.
The response content-type is 'application/json'.
The format for a successful request is as follows (200 HTTP status code):
  "data": {
    "count": <count>,
    "elements": [
        "name": "<form name>",
        "entityId": "<form entity ID>"
      { ... }
  "status": "SUCCESS"
  • 'count' is the total number of available forms. For example, if there are 300 forms (only 25 of which will be provided in the response), then count will be 300.
  • 'name' is the name of the form, as specified in the form editor.
  • 'entityId' is a unique identifier that is assigned to a form when it is first created.
The format for a failed request is as follows (non-200 HTTP status code):
  "data": null,
  "status": "<status>"
The failure statuses are as follows:
  • INVALID_TOKEN: The specified token does not exist
  • EXPIRED_TOKEN: The specified token has expired
  • INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS: The user account associated with the token doesn't have the Administrator or Manage Forms role.
  • INSECURE_REQUEST: Request was not made over HTTPS
  • INVALID_REQUEST: The request was not in the expected format.
  • INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: An error occurred while processing the request

Listing Form Answers

The term 'answer' in this context means a form that has been completed and submitted by a user.
A list of form answers can be obtained as follows:
HTTP GET to /forms-api/answers.html?token=<token>&formEntityId=<form entity ID>&startIndex=<offset>
  • 'token' works the same as above
  • 'startIndex' works the same as covered above.
  • 'formEntityId' restricts answers to the form with the specified entity ID. If not specified, then answers for all forms will be returned.
The response content-type is 'application/json'.
The format for a successful request is as follows (200 HTTP status code):
  "data": {
    "count": '<count>',
    "elements": [
        "id": <id>,
        "host": "<host>",
        "referenceNumber": "<reference number>",
        "formEntityId": "<form entity id>",
        "formName": "<form name>",
        "dateCreated": 1437744175000
  "status": "SUCCESS"
  • 'count' works as covered above.
  • 'id' is a unique numeric identifier for the answer.
  • 'host' is the host name the answer was submitted on.
  • 'referenceNumber' is a unique reference number that is displayed to the user after an answer is submitted, and is displayed when viewing answers in the administrative side of the CMS.
  • 'formEntityId' is the form entity ID of the form the answer is for
  • 'formName' is the name of the form the answer is for
  • 'dateCreated' is the date and time at which the answer was submitted, represented as the number of milliseconds since the Unix epoch.
The format for a failed response is as follows (non-200 HTTP status code):
  "data": null,
  "status": "<status>"
The failure statuses are as follows:
  • INVALID_TOKEN: The specified token does not exist
  • EXPIRED_TOKEN: The specified token has expired
  • INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS: The user account associated with the token doesn't have the Administrator or Manage Forms role.
  • INSECURE_REQUEST: Request was not made over HTTPS
  • INVALID_REQUEST: The request was not in the expected format.
  • INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: An error occurred while processing the request

Downloading Form Answers

Detailed information on answers can be downloaded as follows:
HTTP GET to /forms-api/download-answers.html?token=<token>&answerIds=<answer ID 1>&answerIds=<answer ID 2>...
  • 'token' works as it does in the above requests
  • 'answerIds' is a list of answer IDs to download. Answer IDs can be obtained via the 'answers.html' endpoint covered above.
For a successful response (200 HTTP status code), the content-type is 'application/zip'. The contents of this zip file are covered further below.
For a failed response (non-200 HTTP status code), the content-type is 'application/json', in the following format:
  "data": null,
  "status": "<status>"
The failure statuses are as follows:
  • INVALID_TOKEN: The specified token does not exist
  • EXPIRED_TOKEN: The specified token has expired
  • INSUFFICIENT_PERMISSIONS: The user account associated with the token doesn't have the Administrator or Manage Forms role.
  • INSECURE_REQUEST: Request was not made over HTTPS
  • INVALID_REQUEST: The request was not in the expected format.
  • INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: An error occurred while processing the request
An example answer zip file can be downloaded here:


Form Answer Zip File Structure

The structure of the answer zip response file is as follows:
  • /answers.json - All of the requested form answers are in here
  • /documents/ - All files that the user uploaded via form file inputs are in here
The structure of the answers.json file is as follows:
[ <list of form answers> ]
Where each form answer has the following format:
    "id" : <id>,
    "dateCreated" : <date created>,
    "referenceNumber" : "<reference number>",
    "formEntityId" : "<form entity ID>",
    "inputAnswers" : [ <list of form input answers> ]
  • 'id' is the id of the answer
  • 'dateCreated' is the date and time on which the answer was submitted
  • 'referenceNumber' is a unique reference number that is displayed to the user after an answer is submitted, and is displayed when viewing answers in the administrative side of the CMS.
  • 'inputAnswers' is a list of the user's answers to the inputs in the form, for this particular form answer
    (note that 'form answer' refers to a form submission, whereas 'input answer' refers to a user's answer for an input in a submitted form)
Each input answer has the following format:
    "name" : "<name>",
    "publicId" : "<public ID>",
    "answerType" : "<answer type>",
    "mappingId" : "<mapping id>",
    "inputType" : "<input type>",
    "repeaterPublicId" : "<repeater public ID>",
    "repeaterIndex" : "<repeater index>",
    <additional inputType specific fields>
  • 'name' is the name of the form input this input answer is for (this is the label shown to the user)
  • 'publicId' is a unique (within a form) identifier that is assigned when an input is created
  • 'answerType' should be ignored
  • 'mappingId' is similar to the publicId, except that it can be manually specified. Null if not specified.
  • 'inputType' is the type of input this is. Covered below
  • 'repeaterPublicId' is the public ID of the repeater this input is associated with. Null if not associated with a repeater
  • 'repeaterIndex' : is the repeated index of this input. For example, if a repeater causes an input to be repeated twice, the second input answer will have a repeaterIndex of 1. Null if not associated with a repeater.
The input types and associated type-specific fields are as follows:


Text input types

All input answers of these types have a single additional field named 'value', which contains a string. The inputTypes that quality as text are as follows:

  • 'TEXT' is an input that accepts a single line of text
  • 'TEXTAREA' accepts multiple lines of text
  • 'FULLNAME' is intended to hold a person's full name
  • 'FIRSTNAME' is intended to hold a person's first name
  • 'LASTNAME' is intended to hold a person's last name
  • 'EMAIL' holds an email address. 
  • 'PHONE' holds a phone number. There are no separators between digits.
  • 'WHOLENUMBER' is an input that holds a number with no fractional component. 
  • 'DOLLARAMOUNT' is an input that holds a number with an optional fractional component, intended to indicate a dollar amount.
  • 'NUMBER' is an input that holds a number with an optional fractional component
  • 'DATE' holds a date in the format 'yyyy-mm-dd'
  • 'TIME' holds a time in the format 'h:mm AM/PM'
  • 'REPEATERINPUT' holds a non-negative integer, which indicates how many times associated inputs should be repeated.


Address input type (inputType='ADDRESS')

This type has 6 additional fields:
  • 'country' is a string that holds a two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)
  • 'state' holds a two-letter state abbreviation
  • 'city' holds a city name (guaranteed to not be blank, but otherwise not validated)
  • 'address1' holds the first address line (guaranteed to not be blank, but otherwise not validated)
  • 'address2' holds the second address line (may be null)
  • 'zip' holds a zip or postal code (validated)

File input type (inputType='FILEINPUT')

This type has one additional field named 'files', that contains a list of uploaded files.
The format of the files within this list are as follows:
    "name" : "<original image filename>",
    "fileName" : "<filename in documents directory>"
  • 'name' is the name of the file that was specified when the user uploaded it
  • 'fileName' is the name of the file in the 'documents' directory in the downloaded form answer ZIP file.

Select input type (inputType='SELECT')

This has one field named 'selectedOptions', that contains a list of options the user has selected.
Each selected option has the following format:
    "label" : "<label>",
    "price" : price,
    "sku" : "sku",
    "taxExempt" : true/false
  • 'label' is the label of the option, as displayed to the user.
  • 'price' is the price of the option, or null if no price was specified. Do not parse this as a floating-point number, or you will lose precision.
  • 'sku' is the sku of the option, or null if no sku was specified
  • 'taxExempt' is true if the option is tax exempt, and false otherwise.

Product input type (inputType='PRODUCT')

This has one field named 'products', that contains a list of products selected by the user.
Note that each product can contain one or more pricing options (called 'price answers'). This allows, for example, a specific coffin to have multiple spray options of varying prices.
Each selected product has the following format:
    "name" : "<product name>",
    "totalQuantity" : <quantity>,
    "priceAnswers" : [ <list of price answers> ],
    "staticId" : "<static ID>"
  • 'name' is the name of the product, as displayed to the user
  • 'totalQuantity' is the total quanitity of this product selected by the user. It is the sum of the 'quantity' fields of the 'priceAnswers' list, covered further below.
  • 'priceAnswers' is a list of selected price options (covered further below).
  • 'staticId' is a unique ID that is generated when the product is created
Each price option in the 'priceAnswers' list has the following format:
    "name" : "<price option name>",
    "quantity" : <quantity>,
    "price" : <price>,
    "sku" : "sku"
  • 'name' is the name of the price option, as displayed to the user.
  • 'quantity' is the quantity selected by the user
  • 'price' is the price of this option. Do not parse this as a floating-point number, or you will lose precision.
  • 'sku' is the SKU of this option.